Eine Gemeinschaftsausstellung an 50 Bauzäunen
Eine tolle Eröffnungsrede gab es vom Hans-Georg "Schorsch" Wenke †
There was a great opening speech from Hans-Georg "Schorsch" Wenke †
Und Timm Kronenberg
And Timm Kronenberg
Mit viel Kunstinteressierten und schöner Musik
With a lot of art lovers and beautiful music
Ausstellung in der Stadtbücherei Solingen
Exhibition in the public library of Solingen
My cat loves the skateboard 

Just no Car,
then I just take the Bus
Lots of Space 
There it should go
Looks really good
Also from the Side
it works alone too
Sheep and birds
Steam Box Spirit Man, played live during the Vernissage
Only for a few months
Exhibition in a gallery
A temporary exhibition in the Rolandseck